Friday, January 22, 2010

Sacrificing the Old

Let’s imagine a scenario for a minute. The world has changed. The society as we know it has collapsed and there is no longer any government. It's been this way for a long time. It’s been ten years or more since you've laid eyes on the light of a TV, or heard anyone on a telephone. Most people who could not survive the change have died. The ones who could, slowly found others like them and have built community somewhere in the wilderness. You have a system for things, and order around your community. Some people hunt for food, others grow and harvest viable food and clothing material. Every single person has found a way to contribute to the greater good of the community. Each and every person has to carry their weight and do his or her job everyday in order to keep the community alive.

Have I painted a good enough picture for you?

What do you do with the elderly? Not the ones who are wise and can still contribute an intellectual view to the community. But the ones that are too old to work or even walk. They can’t remember who you are or who they are. Every day the hunters go out to hunt and the gatherers plow, grow and harvest food. Is it fair that a person who could not do anything for the community eat that food?

Now let’s back up for a second. In today’s society there still is a place for the elderly. In fact they may not work, walk, or even remember your name but that okay. Their money, or families’ money might be paying for their care. That money goes into the pockets of the caregivers and so the world turns. We also have the resources and technology to take care of the old. Today we can give just a little in order to keep our elderly alive so have we may still enjoy them in our lives. We should give ourselves a hand for being able to do that.

But in this imaginary society, the elderly will end up being like or dogs getting the scraps that we did not eat and if there aren't any they will starve. If they starve they will die, and starving the elderly will be a form of clear-conscience-sacrifice.

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